IPL ~ Photo Facial

IPL Treatment:

Intense Pulsed Light is a non-invasive procedure that utilizes light energy to target and reduce redness on the skin from conditions like rosacea, by breaking down visible blood vessels and improving overall skin tone. IPL is effective at treating redness, broken capillaries, and sun damage. 

What areas can be treated?

The IPL Facial is ideal for the face, treatment of the neck, chest or arms can take more sessions. 

  • Diffuses Redness
  • Telangiectasia (Visible blood vessels)
  • Rosacea
  • Sun Damage

What do treatments feel like?
You may feel a slignt snapping sensation during the treatment, mild redness and warmth immediately after the treatment. Darkened spots may initially appear, which will naturally flake off within a week or two. 

How long will the treatments take?
Most treatments take 1 Hour!

How many treatments will I need?
One to three treatments are usually sufficient to see results. Additional treatments may be recommended, especially for excessively sun-damaged skin.

What happens after the treatment?
Immediately following treatment, brown spots will start to darken and your skin may appear slightly red. The treated area may be mildly swollen. This typically lasts a few hours and possibly a day or longer. Make-up can be applied to cover the redness.

When will I see results?
Within one to three weeks, the darkened spots will flake off and fade. Diffuse redness or telangiectasia will decrease and your
mottled complexion will improve.

Will the spots and redness reappear over time?
New brown spots, telangiectasia, and diffuse redness may appear with new sun damage; however, they too can be treated. Remember to always apply broad-spectrum sunscreen when outdoors to minimize sun damage and the appearance of new spots and diffuse redness. Rosacea is chronic and cannot be “cured” with any laser or light source, however, its appearance can be improved.

IPL Treatment |$250-$375 | 1 Hour

Purchase a series of 3 Treatments for $525. Promotions

How It Works:
Redness: The Limelight device delivers controlled pulses of light that are absorbed by red blood cells in the skin, causing them to break down and fade reducing the appearance of redness. 

Hyperpigmentation (Brown Spots): the IPL light is specifically designed to be absorbed by the melanin, the pigment responsible for the skin color, allowing it to target areas of hyperpigmentation. Once the light is absorbed by the melanin, it creates heat which damages the pigmented cells leading to their breakdwon and removal. 

Is IPL right for ME?

IPL is best on lighter skin tones Fitzpatrick I-IV see below chart. No sun exposure, tanning beds, or self tanners can be used for 2 weeks before treatment. Treatments cannot be performed on pregnant clients, currently on Accutane, skin resurfacing disorder, susceptible to keloid scarring, or recent sunburns.


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